
A library and standard for writing parallel programing for various processors, including GPUs

These notes cover OpenCL 1.2 on macOS using an Intel Iris Plus Graphics 655 GPU chipset.


On macOS, use #include <OpenCL/cl.h> and compile with gcc opencl-test.c -framework OpenCL.


The computer running an OpenCL program (i.e. written in C/C++) is called the host. Each processing element (i.e. a GPU) is called a device. The implementation of OpenCL for a particular device is called a platform (i.e. the Nvidia platform is used to interact with Nvidia devices).

In an OpenCL host application, one or more devices are grouped together as a logical group called a context, where the application might control more than one context. Each context has command queues that the host can use to dispatch commands to the context, which are by default processed in order. There are commands to transfer data and to perform computation.

A kernel is a command that represents a specially coded OpenCL function that should be executed by one or more devices. An OpenCL program is a set of kernels, usually defined as .cl files.

Device Memory Model

An OpenCL device distinguishes four address spaces:

Private memory is the fastest, but also the smallest. Conversely, global memory is the biggest, but also the slowest.


There are various extensions to OpenCL. The ones approved by the OpenCL Working Group are preffixed with cl_khr_, or suffixed with KHR, like cl_khr_gl_event and clCreateEventFromGLsyncKHR. Non-approved extensions are preffixed with cl_<vendor>_, like cl_qcom_ext_host_ptr.

Data Types

OpenCL host programming supports the following two’s complement integers: cl_char and cl_uchar (8 bits), cl_short and cl_ushort (16 bits), cl_int and cl_uint (32 bits), cl_long and cl_ulong (64 bits), and the following floating-point values: cl_half (half-precision, 16 bits), cl_float (single-precision, 32 bits), cl_double (double-precision, 64 bits).


We can find all available platforms, and information about them using clGetPlatformIDs and clGetPlatformInfo.


We can find all the devices that belong to a given platform with clGetDeviceIDs. We can then get information about a specific device with clGetDeviceInfo.

To get the first available GPU:

cl_platform_id platform;
cl_device_id device;
cl_int result = clGetDeviceIDs(platform,
  CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 1, &device, NULL);

Devices may have a preferred type vector width that you can inspect with the CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_<type> flag:

cl_device_id device;
cl_uint char_width;

  sizeof(char_width), &char_width, NULL);

Its a common practice to fetch the preffered vector width and then pass it as a define macro to the OpenCL program.

We can determine a device’s endianness with the CL_DEVICE_ENDIAN_LITTLE flag and checking whether the return valye is CL_TRUE or CL_FALSE.


We can create a context out of a set of devices from the same platform with clCreateContext. We can also create a conetxt out of all the devices from the same platform that match a certain type with clCreateContextFromType. A context must be destroyed with clReleaseContext.


A program is usually created with clCreateProgramWithSource from the source code out of .cl files. The program can then be built with clBuildProgram, which allows us to customize various options such as the include path (-I). Its recommended to report warnings as errors with -Werror. Programs are destroyed with clReleaseProgram.

We can get build logs after attempting to build a program using clGetProgramBuildInfo. For example:

cl_device_id device;
cl_program program;

// Find the size of the logs
size_t log_size;
clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, device, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, 0, NULL, &log_size);

char * program_log;
program_log = (char *) malloc(log_size + 1);
program_log[log_size] = '\0';

// Get the logs
clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, device, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, log_size + 1, program_log, NULL);
printf("%s\n", program_log);

The macro __ENDIAN_LITTLE__ is always defined if the device is little endian, and undefined otherwise.

Command Queues

A command queue must be created for one or more devices that are part of the same context. The clCreateCommandQueue function allows us to configure whether the commands are executed in order or not. A command queue must be destroyed with clReleaseCommandQueue.

The lifecycle of a command consists of:

Every command has a wait list that consists of a set of cl_event structures. The command will not start executing until the wait list is empty (i.e. NULL). We can pass a wait list when using i.e. clEnqueueTask as a simple way to synchronize execution.

In order to profile a command queue, create the queue with the CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE flag, create a cl_event with a callback and associate it with the command that you want to profile, and on the callback, execute clGetEventProfilingInfo with CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_QUEUED, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START, and CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END, and perform arithmetic between the resulting timestamps.


The clEnqueueWaitForEvents operation forces a command queue to not execute any following commands until all the events in the queue reached the “completed” state. The clEnqueueBarrier function has a similar effect, but it enqueues a “barrier command” instead of using the wait list.

Kernels may use the barrier function inn a work-item to wait until every other work-item in the group reached the barrier. Fences (see read_mem_fence, write_mem_fence, and mem_fence) are similar to barriers, but can synchronize specific memory operations.

Currently there is no way to synchronize work-items from different work-groups apart from executing new kernels.


The command queue “enqueue” functions can be associated with a cl_event data structure which contains a callback function that will be executed whenever a command changes its status. These callback functions have the following signature:

void CL_CALLBACK callback(cl_event event, cl_int status, void * data);

An cl_event is associated with a callback function using clSetEventCallback. The user_data argument passed to this function will become the callback’s data argument. Notice an event must be associated with a callback after enqueuing the command.

A user event is an event controlled by the host application. See clCreateUserEvent and clReleaseEvent. A user event is not associated with a particular command queue, so we can use the same event for multiple devices. If you set a user event in a command’s wait list, the command will not execute until you manually update the user event’s status from the host with clSetUserEventStatus.


See clCreateKernel and clReleaseKernel. We need to set the arguments to the kernel with clSetKernelArg before enqueuing it. We can enqueue kernels on a command queue using clEnqueueTask and clEnqueueNDRangeKernel. The latter offers finer control over how the kernel executes.

Kernel declarations must start with __kernel and must always return void. Since kernels don’t have a return value, we have to “output” data by writing to arguments.

Every kernel argument must have either __global, __constant, __local or the __private (default) qualifier (see Device Memory Model). The __global qualifier can only be used with pointers. Since __constant is read-only, it must be initialized on its declaration (a define -D macro is usually preferred). If a kernel argument doesn’t have an address space qualifier, then its assumed to be __private. Transferring NULL to a kernel will make it just reserve memory in its local space for the kernel argument.

Private kernel arguments can only be primitives or vectors. We can use primitives such as int but also i.e. an array of 4 floats interpreted in the kernel as float4, as private arguments can’t be pointers.

For performance reasons: try to re-use private variables to reduce kernel memory consumption, inline non kernel functions, use the fma for multiply and add operations, access local memory sequentially, and avoid branch “miss penalties” by ensuring conditional statements are more often true than false.

We can use asynchronous calls to transfer data between global and local memory. See async_work_group_copy, and async_work_group_strided_copy. In order to wait until the data transfers complete, see wait_group_events.


This is a composite data type that consist of an array of a certain number of primitive elements. For example float4 represents an array of 4 floats. The possible types are charN, ucharN, shortN, ushortN, intN, uintN, longN, ulongN and floatN, where N is 2, 3, 4, 8, or 16. Some devices may support doubleN and halfN.

We can initialize vectors as (type) (value1, value2, ..., valueN) where the values are primitives or other vectors. For example:

float4 vector1 = (float4) (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0);
float2 subvector1 = (float2) (1.0, 2.0);
float4 vector2 = (float4) (subvector1, 3.0, 4.0);

OpenCL supportts arithmetic operations over vectors. For example:

float4 vector1 = (float4) (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0);
float4 vector2 = (float4) (3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0);
float4 result = vector1 + vector2;
// (4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0)

Vectors are indexed for read or write purposes as vector.<index> where index can be .s and one or more hexadecimal digits starting from 0 (vector.s0, vector.s01234, vector.s01AB), .x/.y/.z/.w, which are synonymous to .s0/.s1/.s2/.s3, .hi or .lo (highest or lowest halves), and .even/.odd (even or odd elements).


Buffers belong to a context. They are created with clCreateBuffer and clCreateSubBuffer, and destroyed with clReleaseMemObject. A sub-buffer is useful if a kernel needs a subset of the data passed to another kernel. The sub-buffer is a reference to an offset of the super-buffer, and there is no allocation involved.

Buffers take the following access flags: CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, and CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY. If you are passing a write-only parameter to get data back from a kernel, then you can set the access level to CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY and make it initially NULL:

cl_context context;
cl_int result;
cl_mem output = clCreateBuffer(context,
CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, sizeof(result), NULL, NULL);

Image Objects

Image objects are cl_mem buffers meant to hold pixel data. See clCreateImage2D and clCreateImage3D. These two constructors take a row_pitch argument that determines how many bytes each row occupies. If row_pitch is set to 0, OpenCL will assume its value equals width * pixel size. clCreateImage3D also takes a slice_pitch argument that determines the number of bytes in each 2D slice. If slice_pitch is set to 0, its value will be set to row_pitch * height.

On GPUs, image objects are stored in texture memory, a special global memory region cached for performance reasons.

Data Transfer

The read/write functions take a blocking argument to control whether the function should wait for the data transfer to complete before returning or not.

Atomic Operations

OpenCL defines various atomic operations for kernel programming such as atomic_add and atomic_inc. See Atomic Functions for details. The availability of these functions depend on the extensions supported by the target device.

We can use atom_xchg (swap arguments) and atom_cmpxchg (ternary conditional operation) to implement a mutex system. These two functions require the cl_khr_int64_base_atomics extension, which can be enabled with #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_int64_base_atomics : enable.
