Emitting Signposts to Instruments on macOS using C++

TL;DR: This article describes how to use the macOS Signposts API from C++ applications

Instruments is an application and tracing framework distributed with Xcode to help developers profile software on Apple devices. With Instruments, developers can trace general aspects such as CPU and network usage without requiring any application changes.

To enrich the profiling experience, macOS applications typically integrate with Instruments to emit application-specific traces that surface key areas of interest. The process of integrating with Instruments to emit these custom traces, internally referred to as signposts, is extensively documented in the context of the Swift programming language, and Objective-C to a lesser extent. However, you might not be aware that C++ applications can easily integrate with Instruments too.

The OS Logging API and the macOS SDK

The unified logging system framework includes logging-related features such as emitting logs to Console and emitting signposts to Instruments. On macOS, the unified logging framework is implemented in libsystem_trace.dylib and its corresponding headers are provided as part of MacOSX.sdk under /usr/include/os (see /path/to/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/os). The libsystem_trace.dylib library is re-exported by libSystem.dylib, which is always linked by clang(1) to every C++ macOS application.

For example, consider a dummy test C++ program compiled with clang(1):

# (1) The `test` program links to /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib:
$ otool -L test
        /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1311.0.0)

# (2) The `/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib` library re-exports `libsystem_trace.dylib`:
$ otool -L /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
        /usr/lib/system/libsystem_trace.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1277.120.1, reexport)

# (3) The `libsystem_trace.dylib` library exports various `os_signpost` related public symbols:
$ nm -gU /usr/lib/system/libsystem_trace.dylib
00007fff200866a6 T __os_signpost_emit_impl
00007fff200917b8 T __os_signpost_emit_unreliably_impl
00007fff20089c6a T __os_signpost_emit_unreliably_with_name_impl
00007fff2008667f T __os_signpost_emit_with_name_impl
00007fff2008ac10 T __os_signpost_pack_fill
00007fff2008acbe T __os_signpost_pack_send
00007fff20082ad3 T _os_signpost_enabled
00007fff2008900a T _os_signpost_id_generate
00007fff20082a17 T _os_signpost_id_make_with_pointer
00007fff200916bb T _os_signpost_set_introspection_hook_4Perf
00007fff20088085 T _os_state_add_handler
00007fff20089c94 T _os_state_remove_handler

While we don’t have access to its source, /usr/lib/system/libsystem_trace.dylib is likely implemented using Objective-C due to the presence of Objective-C-specific Mach-O sections as determined by otool(1):

$ otool -o /usr/lib/system/libsystem_trace.dylib | grep objc
Contents of (__DATA_CONST,__objc_classlist) section
Contents of (__DATA,__objc_classrefs) section
Contents of (__DATA,__objc_superrefs) section
Contents of (__DATA_CONST,__objc_protolist) section
Contents of (__DATA,__objc_selrefs) section
Contents of (__DATA_CONST,__objc_imageinfo) section

If we take a look at the os/log.h and os/signpost.h headers that implement the functions that we are interested in, all of them are marked as OS_NOTHROW, which means we can directly use these symbols from within C++ without being concerned about Objective-C exceptions.

Types of Signposts

Instruments supports two simple types of signposts: signposts that represents events and signposts that represent intervals. These types of signposts are declared by the os_signpost_type_t enumeration defined in os/signpost.h:

OS_ENUM(os_signpost_type, uint8_t,
    OS_SIGNPOST_EVENT           = 0x00,

Log Handles

Signposts and other types of logs are emitted into a log handle represented using the os_log_t opaque NSObject-based type. Log handles can be created using the os_log_create function defined in os/log.h. This function creates a log handle given an identifier string for your application in reverse DNS notation and a logging category. In the context of signposts, the logging category is one of the following constants defined in os/signpost.h:

For example, a log handle for the OS_LOG_CATEGORY_DYNAMIC_TRACING category can be obtained as follows:

#include <os/log.h>
#include <os/signpost.h>
os_log_t log_handle = os_log_create("com.jviotti.my-app", OS_LOG_CATEGORY_DYNAMIC_TRACING);

The os_signpost_enabled function takes a log handle as an argument and returns a boolean that determines whether an event or an interval emitted on such log handle will be recorded or not. This function is useful for enclosing expensive computation that is attached to events or intervals emitted under the dynamic tracing category.

For example:

#include <os/log.h>
#include <os/signpost.h>
os_log_t log_handle = os_log_create("com.jviotti.my-app", OS_LOG_CATEGORY_DYNAMIC_TRACING);
if (os_signpost_enabled(log_handle))  {
  std::string data = perform_expensive_computation();
  os_signpost_event_emit(log_handle, ..., data.c_str());

The os_signpost_enabled function always returns true for the OS_LOG_CATEGORY_POINTS_OF_INTEREST category.

Typically, an application will create two log handles: one for cheap-to-emit points of interests and another one for expensive-to-emit dynamic tracing, and emit events and intervals accordingly.

Signpost Identifiers

There can be multiple signpost intervals with the same name occurring at the same time. For this reason, recording a signpost interval requires the presence of a signpost identifier that can uniquely represent the given instance of the interval. A signpost identifier is an unsigned 64-bit integer represented by the os_signpost_id_t type.

Generating Random Signpost Identifiers

Signpost identifiers are typically obtained using the os_signpost_id_generate function. This function takes a log handle as an argument and returns a random signpost identifier. If the function fails, OS_SIGNPOST_ID_INVALID (which is equal to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) is returned. For example:

#include <assert.h>
#include <os/signpost.h>
// Where `log_handle` is created using `os_log_create`
os_signpost_id_t signpost_id = os_signpost_id_generate(log_handle);
assert(signpost_id != OS_SIGNPOST_ID_INVALID);

Generating Signpost Identifiers From Pointers

Signpost identifiers can also be created from existing pointers using the os_signpost_id_make_with_pointer function. This function takes a log handle and a pointer as an argument and returns a stable signpost identifier based on the address of the pointer. If the function fails, OS_SIGNPOST_ID_INVALID (which is equal to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) is returned. For example:

#include <assert.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <os/signpost.h>
void * pointer = std::malloc(8);
// Where `log_handle` is created using `os_log_create`
os_signpost_id_t signpost_id = os_signpost_id_make_with_pointer(log_handle, pointer);
assert(signpost_id != OS_SIGNPOST_ID_INVALID);

Addresses are process-specific, so it is not possible to use os_signpost_id_make_with_pointer for recording intervals across processes.

Avoiding Signpost Identifiers for Exclusive Intervals

There are cases in which the programmer can ensure that there cannot be overlapping intervals with the same name. In such case, the OS_SIGNPOST_ID_EXCLUSIVE signpost identifier constant may be used. This constant is set by os/signpost.h to a magic value that is guaranteed to not be returned by os_signpost_id_generate and os_signpost_id_make_with_pointer:

#define OS_SIGNPOST_ID_EXCLUSIVE ((os_signpost_id_t)0xEEEEB0B5B2B2EEEE)

Casting to uint64_t

The os/signpost.h header mentions that any other existing value that can be casted to uint64_t and that uniquely identifies an interval instance can be used as a signpost identifier. However, the application must ensure that this value is not equal to the reserved signpost identifiers OS_SIGNPOST_ID_NULL, OS_SIGNPOST_ID_EXCLUSIVE or OS_SIGNPOST_ID_INVALID.

For example:

#include <assert.h>
#include <os/signpost.h>
os_signpost_id_t signpost_id = static_cast<os_signpost_id_t>(55);
assert(signpost_id != OS_SIGNPOST_ID_NULL);
assert(signpost_id != OS_SIGNPOST_ID_EXCLUSIVE);
assert(signpost_id != OS_SIGNPOST_ID_INVALID);

Matching Scopes

For signpost intervals, the matching scope of a given subsystem can be one of the following:

The default matching scope is Process. This value can be changed by modifying or creating a log handle configuration plist at /Library/Preferences/Logging/Subsystems/<subsystem>.plist where subsystem corresponds to the subsystem declared when calling os_log_create. The matching scope is set with the Signpost-Scope key.

For example, a log handle configuration plist for the com.jviotti.my-app subsystem that sets the matching scope to Thread is set by creating a file called com.jviotti.my-app.plist in /Library/Preferences/Logging/Subsystems with the following contents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

Emitting Signposts

The os/signpost.h header defines a variety of functions to emit events and intervals given a log handle and a signpost identifier:

These functions are macros implemented based on the os_signpost_emit_with_type foundational macro, which is implemented based on the OS_LOG_CALL_WITH_FORMAT_NAME macro from os/trace_base.h and the _os_signpost_emit_with_name_impl internal function defined in os/signpost.h.

Emitting Events

Events are emitted using the os_signpost_event_emit utility macro, which takes a log handle, a signpost identifier, a string that determines the name of the event and a string of metadata as arguments. The string of metadata may include printf(3) C-style formatted strings, where the corresponding values are passed as extra arguments.

For example:

os_signpost_event_emit(log_handle, signpost_id, "My first event", "Some metadata: %s", "Foo");

Emitting Intervals

Intervals are emitted using the os_signpost_interval_begin and os_signpost_interval_end complementary utility macros, which take a log handle, a signpost identifier, a string that determines the name of the interval and a string of metadata as arguments. As with os_signpost_event_emit, the string of metadata may include printf(3) C-style formatted strings, where the corresponding values are passed as extra arguments.

For example:

// The log handle, the signpost identifier and the interval name must match
os_signpost_interval_begin(log_handle, signpost_id, "My first interval", "Begin metadata: %s", "Foo");
os_signpost_interval_end(log_handle, signpost_id, "My first interval", "End metadata: %s", "Foo");

The os_signpost_animation_interval_begin function is a thin wrapper around os_signpost_interval_begin that appends isAnimation=YES to the metadata string. Instruments does not seem to display an interval started with os_signpost_animation_interval_begin in a special way other than displaying the isAnimation=YES string.


Points of Interest Events

In this example, we emit 4 events to the OS_LOG_CATEGORY_POINTS_OF_INTEREST category, waiting 2 seconds before emitting the next event. Each event has a different name and different metadata strings. In particular, the fourth event does not make use of a metadata string at all.

#include <thread>
#include <chrono>

#include <os/log.h>
#include <os/signpost.h>

int main() {
  os_log_t log_handle = os_log_create("com.jviotti.my-app", OS_LOG_CATEGORY_POINTS_OF_INTEREST);
  os_signpost_id_t signpost_id = os_signpost_id_generate(log_handle);
  assert(signpost_id != OS_SIGNPOST_ID_INVALID);

  os_signpost_event_emit(log_handle, signpost_id, "My Event 1", "Value: %s", "String");
  os_signpost_event_emit(log_handle, signpost_id, "My Event 2", "Value: %i", 55);
  os_signpost_event_emit(log_handle, signpost_id, "My Event 3", "Fixed");
  os_signpost_event_emit(log_handle, signpost_id, "My Event 4");

  return 0;

We will compile the program with clang(1), trace the program using Instruments’ command-line tool xctrace(1) and open the resulting .trace file on the Instruments application.

$ clang++ app.cc -o app
$ xcrun xctrace record --template Logging --launch -- ./app
Starting recording with the Logging template. Launching process: app.
Ctrl-C to stop the recording
Target app exited, ending recording...
Recording completed. Saving output file...
Output file saved as: Launch_app_2022-02-16_16.55.34_2656A9F8.trace.
$ open Launch_app_2022-02-16_16.55.34_2656A9F8.trace

The result looks like this. To see the details, expand the os_signpost instrument, click the PointsOfInterest category for your subsystem and switch to the List: Events view.

Emitting Points of Interest Events

Points of Interest Intervals

In this example, we emit 2 overlapping 4-second intervals to the OS_LOG_CATEGORY_POINTS_OF_INTEREST category. Each interval has a different name and different metadata strings.

#include <thread>
#include <chrono>

#include <os/log.h>
#include <os/signpost.h>

int main() {
  os_log_t log_handle = os_log_create("com.jviotti.my-app", OS_LOG_CATEGORY_POINTS_OF_INTEREST);
  os_signpost_id_t signpost_id_1 = os_signpost_id_generate(log_handle);
  os_signpost_id_t signpost_id_2 = os_signpost_id_generate(log_handle);
  assert(signpost_id_1 != OS_SIGNPOST_ID_INVALID);
  assert(signpost_id_2 != OS_SIGNPOST_ID_INVALID);

  os_signpost_interval_begin(log_handle, signpost_id_1, "My interval 1", "Metadata: %s", "Foo");
  os_signpost_interval_begin(log_handle, signpost_id_2, "My interval 2", "Metadata: %s", "Baz");
  os_signpost_interval_end(log_handle, signpost_id_1, "My interval 1", "Metadata: %s", "Bar");
  os_signpost_interval_end(log_handle, signpost_id_2, "My interval 2", "Metadata: %s", "Qux");

  return 0;

We will compile the program with clang(1), trace the program using Instruments’ command-line tool xctrace(1) and open the resulting .trace file on the Instruments application.

$ clang++ app.cc -o app
$ xcrun xctrace record --template Logging --launch -- ./app
Starting recording with the Logging template. Launching process: app.
Ctrl-C to stop the recording
Target app exited, ending recording...
Recording completed. Saving output file...
Output file saved as: Launch_app_2022-02-16_17.22.07_351C53E7.trace.
$ open Launch_app_2022-02-16_17.22.07_351C53E7.trace

The result looks like this. To see the details, expand the os_signpost instrument, click the PointsOfInterest category for your subsystem and switch to the List: Intervals view.

Emitting Points of Interest Intervals

Dynamic Tracing Interval

In this example, we emit a single 5-second interval to the OS_LOG_CATEGORY_DYNAMIC_TRACING category.

#include <thread>
#include <chrono>

#include <os/log.h>
#include <os/signpost.h>

int main() {
  os_log_t log_handle = os_log_create("com.jviotti.my-app", OS_LOG_CATEGORY_DYNAMIC_TRACING);
  os_signpost_id_t signpost_id = os_signpost_id_generate(log_handle);
  assert(signpost_id != OS_SIGNPOST_ID_INVALID);

  os_signpost_interval_begin(log_handle, signpost_id, "My test interval", "Metadata: %s", "Foo");
  os_signpost_interval_end(log_handle, signpost_id, "My test interval", "Metadata: %s", "Bar");

  return 0;

We will compile the program with clang(1) as before. However, xctrace(1) does not provide an option to enable dynamic tracing from within the command-line. Instead, we will open the Instruments app directly, select the “Logging” instrument, select our example program, go to File -> Recording Options, inspect the options for os_signpost, and add our subsystem to the list of dynamically traced subsystems as follows:

Recording Dynamic Traces

After tracing our program, we see our interval in the “DynamicTracing” category. To see the details, switch to the List: Intervals view.

Emitting Dynamic Tracing Intervals